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Membership Numbers

Post by EMS »

I guess, I made a too simple assumption :oops: If we have members with membership numbers of 5400 and above, I thought we originally had that many members. And my guess was, half of them would still be around. Doesn't seem to work this way, though. Thanks Dave for doing the Sam Spade. 8)

mike brown barone


Post by mike brown barone »

1. FINANCIALS are in the upcoming xpress just like we promised all along and all tidy with footnotes. these served as the basis for our tax filings and the cash balances were confirmed.

icoa is a 30k/yr business....its just that easy to understand and a vast amount of our expenditures relate to printing the xpress. the club is being managed daily by our controller sissy schriener. we talk often and i approve on every transaction.

the 2001 finances are on the icoa www site and are a good read especially when you compare them to the 2002 statements.


2. MEMBERSHIP when i took icoa over as director on 10/02/2002 was 854. 1061 members did not renew from 01/01/2000 until the day before i became director on 10/02/2002! over the years this club has lost almost 90% of its members. no secrets .....just facts


MORE FACTS.....each of us shares in how we got here need to speculate and relive it over and over. we can woulda, coulda, shoulda and speculate ourselves to death. blame me for it all if you want...after all i am one of the few still here and standing after all these years so i musta done it right......

you are either on board and are willing to help save this club ....or..... you dont know what you can do to help save this club....or dont care.

for the first two member types contact your regional director or me on what you can do to help...if you want to help we have something that will fit your time alotment.


ICOA PLAN (233,451 time)

3a. icoa needed to execute on the basics and start with the goal of having one of the best world motorcycle publication in the world as soon as possible.

team members joined in and worked their hearts out to accomplish this for you... and guess what recognized motorcycle writers and editors have told us we might have made it.

3b. next we needed a stable org structure and bylaws. this is in place

3c. we needed a board of directors overseeing the club. this is in place

3d. next up is the www page

this is the priority order so i ask your forgiveness if other items did not get the attention while we were working on these matters for the membership


BOTTOM LINE........we have 20-30 teams, a great staff of operational people, bylaws a board of directors and 8 regions staffed now that believe in this fine motorcycle, club, club structure that were not there just a few months ago.....and each icoa member should be proud of this.


and for those of you that think for one moment i personally will give up on this club, the members or the plan............think again

you can quit or not renew .....but my view is you should join a team now and be part of a super comeback so when you you get old like me you can look back and really be proud to have particpated.


now again (22nd time) if you are a member and have a question on this or need more details or want to help out simply email me with your name, membership number, email and mail address/phone so i can confirm your membership.....and i will reply to you personally. i want to hear from you

you can call me at 800-869-5763.....eastern time...then 1, the 4331.

hummmmmmm............will i get that first calllllllllll..........sure hope so

i will be doing an update in the near future on these and other matters for the entire membership.......once i recover from 9 days of rain, cold and late evenings at marlinton......

if you have made it this far......thanks.


mike brown barone

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Post by RIPPER »

Keep up the good work Mike and crew.I appreciate all the work the different groups are doing for the club.

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Post by Fondahonda »

Well, it's a shame the weather wasn't better for Marlington. I still wish I could have been there. Hopefully next year...

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Post by Dave Hansen »

Rotten weather in Marlinton is still better than work. :P Had a great time even without a lot of ride time. :evil: Thanks for the update Mike, hopefully that will shutup CC. Dave

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